bridge course

1. Write 85124 in place value chart. 
2. Write 554 in roman number. 
3. What is multiplicative identity? 
4. Fill in the blank 5+0= ……. + 5. 
5. Find the HCF of 10 & 15. 
6. Write common factors of 12 & 20. 
7. What is triangle? 
8. …………. is two times its radius? 
9. What is angles? 
10.What is obtuse angle?. 
11. Simplify : 10+(-6). 
12. Subtract -8 by 10. 
13.Write one example for mixed fraction. 
14. Solve : 4
15.Add the decimals : 2.5+5.3+6.89. 
16. Subtract 9.325 from 10.002. 
17.Draw the bar graph for the following 
Names Ruhul Chitti Goutham Nikhil Vivek Sahil 
Runs 8 25 100 75 125 30
18.Find the perimeter of rectangle, l=5m & b=2m. 
19.What will the 4th term of x+3?
20. Solve x in x:5::10:2 it is in proportion.

 Post test 
1.Write the formula to find the area of triangle.
2.How many degrees in a triangles must have?
3.Find : -
1/2x 3/2
4.What is rational number?
5.Find the perimeter of square when its side is 4m. 
6.If radius of circle is 7cm, find its area. 
7.The value of 22x25x28 is ……….
8. State third law of exponents.
9.Add : 4x, 5y, 8x, -9x, 10y, & 3x. 
10.Multiply : 3xyz & -8xy. 
Class : 7th std. Subject : Mathematics
        Learning competencies 
1. Concept of fractions and decimals
2. To draw the histogram 
3. To calculate the perimeter and area of the 
geometrical figure.
4. To solve puzzle and word problems in the algebra
5. Concept of ratio and proportion
6. Concept of symmetry 
7. To Construction of angles .
8. Concept of integers 
9. To know the number system. 
10.Concept of geometry .


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